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Pope Francis: Last Pope
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Pope Francis: The Last Pope



The following numerical analysis shows that Pope Francis is likely to be the Last Pope:

           بابا  فرنسيس  Pope Francis: 6 + 460 = 466    (466 = 31 + 435 (466 = 2 x  233 )    (466 is the 375th Composite Number)   (572 is the 466th Composite Number)   (3313 is the 466th Prime Number)    

           نهايت  Nihayat (End): 466

           بابا  الكاثوليك  الأخير   The Akheer (Last) Pope of the Catholics: 6 + 618 + 842 = 1466   (equivalent to 466)        (1466 = 733 x 2 )   (1466 is the 1233rd Composite Number )   (1737 is the 1466th Composite Number)




         البابا  فرنسيس  The Pope Francis: 37 + 460 = 497   ( = 7 x 71)  (497 is the 402nd Composite Number)   (609 is the 497th Composite Number)   (741 is the 609th Composite Number)   

         النهايت  The Nihayat (End): 497   

         البابا  الأخير + الكاثوليك  The Akheer (Last) Pope +  The Catholics: 37 + 842 + 618 = 1497  (equivalent to 497)      (1497 is the 1258th Composite Number)     (1772 is the 1497th Composite Number)

609 is the 497th Composite Number. Number 609 is the numerical value of:

                 بطرس  الروماني  Petrus (Peter) the Roman: 271 + 338 = 609     (Saint Malachy in his alleged vision referred to the last Pope as “Petrus (Peter) the Roman” )


For more detailed analysis of Pope Francis, read Chapter 11 of Part 1 of our End Times Book.







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